Sunday, February 19, 2012

Life is too short to be anything but happy :)

Isn't it amazing how time flies? I cannot believe it's almost March! Between nursing school, family and friend time and continually fighting the losing battle to catch up on sleep, weeks have slipped into months. I have almost finished my first year of nursing school! It's been a journey that's for sure. An incredible one though. I feel it a huge blessing to have been able to begin my nursing career so soon after high school. So many of my classmates have spouses and children that require their time and attention as much as the demands of nursing school; I don't know how they do it! As I have started clinicals and have started applying the theory we have studied the last four months into real- life situations, I find that I am loving it more than I ever dreamed I would. There is nothing more satisfactory than easing the fear of your patient before they go into surgery, holding a patients hand while their IV is started, or congratulating a father who has tears in his eyes as he holds his new baby girl for the first time. To say that nursing is a rewarding career would be a severe understatement. My new- found favorite sound in the world is the sound of the fetal heart rate monitor whooshing away as I walk by the rooms of laboring moms in the labor and delivery unit. It always puts a smile on my face :)

Along with the many new and exciting concepts and practical experiences I am learning in clinicals, I am discovering the demands of nursing on my sleep schedule! During our Gunnision rotation, I would have to wake up at 2AM and travel 2 hours south to Gunnison, work a 10 hour shift and then return home. For those who have ever lived with roommates- especially in an old apartment building with poor insulation- will know that these apartments are NEVER quiet until at least 1AM. This was fun :) haha. It was so worth it though. Several of us in our clinical group have been pretty sick since those last two weeks though due to the lack of sleep. I had the neatest experiences in Gunnison. From seeing my first C-Section, to removing staples from a man's leg, to admitting and assessing patients in the E.R, to having a physician consult with me about a patient as if I were the patient's RN, I learned SO much. One nurse that I worked three shifts with, had me completely take over her shift and she told me she would be there if I had any questions. That afternoon after admitting a patient to the E.R, she said, "Okay, now you go call the physician." I was so nervous! She really had me do everything that she would do as an RN- with the exception of IV medication :). It was exciting and a great experience. Although rural hospitals are small, I was able to see more and participate in care more than I would have in a larger hospital.

This last week we completed our Payson rotation in obstetrics and pediatrics. I now know more than ever that this is where I want to be in the nursing field! I love labor and delivery. I love newborns and caring for them. I love watching couples become new parents, and I love watching those sweet little spirits enter the world. During the 3 births I've seen so far, I've had to fight back tears every time. There are no words really to describe it :). It's neat and also funny to me to be able to answer questions of the new moms about their own care or the care of their newborns when I am an unmarried 20 year-old in nursing school haha :). It is fun for me.

As I continue this school year watching my dreams come true, I am amazed at the love and the happiness and joy that there is to be felt and experienced. As I have stressed through another year in school, the simple truth that this life is meant to be enjoyed has kept a smile on my face. I have felt that to be true more so now than in the past. I am the biggest worrier, and the words of Elder Perry have often comforted me when I have needed a stress- relief,

"Perfect love casteth out all fear."

As soon as I remember the love the Savior has for all of us, my overwhelming ordeals turn into seemingly meaningless ones as those words help me look at my problems with a more eternal perspective.

As a new year is under way, I find that it is already difficult to keep my resolve to do better and to be better in many aspects of my life. I find comfort and hope in the knowledge that we are not expected to reach perfection in the near future, even in this lifetime. As I read a book from a friend about the Atonement, it isn't about who finishes the race first. Those who win are those with the firm determination to make it to the end, those who stand up and keep running every time they are knocked to the ground. At first, I didn't like the analogy of life being related to a race. I already feel I am racing too much, racing away those tender moments we each experience every day and then so quickly forget.

If we constantly focus only on the stones in our mortal path, we will almost surely miss the beautiful flower or cool stream provided by the loving Father who outlined our journey. Each day can bring more joy than sorrow when our mortal and spiritual eyes are open to God’s goodness. Joy in the gospel is not something that begins only in the next life. It is our privilege now, this very day. We must never allow our burdens to obscure our blessings. There will always be more blessings than burdens—even if some days it doesn’t seem so. Jesus said, “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” Enjoy those blessings right now. They are yours and always will be.” – Elder Holland
I remember though, my institute teacher sophomore year relating life to a race; explaining it as a time where our endurance is tested, a time where every second counts, a time that is limited and a time where we exert every effort to showcase the best that we have. I also liked this aspect that he related about the race; the aspect that we have so many loved ones in the "crowd" cheering us on. We know that we are never alone in this life. We know that we can have the companionship of the Holy Ghost, we know that we have church leaders and the scriptures that never will lead us contrary to our destination. These are great. But, I also like to imagine my great great grandparents, my brother Andrew who I have never met, my sweet mother who I miss and love so much. I imagine them watching and cheering and that gives me hope and comfort. I have found that anything is possible if I just take things one day at a time. I love this quote that I found in an ensign article. It says,

“Even the mundane and repetitious can be tiny but significant building blocks that in time establish the discipline and character and order needed to realize our plans and dreams.”

There is so much to look forward to, there are so many reasons  to be happy, yet it is SO easy to be overwhelmed by the many things that have to be done. I have decided that it is only necessary to be happy always. To remember the countless blessings that Heavenly Father so richly gives every one of us. When I am happy, I think less about myself and in that state of mind is where I am truly the most happy. When I am caring for my patients at clinicals, when I am celebrating the success of my roommate or watching my mom teach in church or playing with my sisters, this is where I am the most happy. After all, Carl B. Cook says,

 "We must look up and step up. And as we do, I know we will cheer up, for God wants us to be happy" :)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

the best is yet to come

Hello Provo! Hello dreams coming true, and hello new challenges, difficulties and opportunities to grow. I have a hard time putting into words the feelings of gratitude and joy to be living out my dreams of living so close to BYU and to be studying to become a nurse! Someone please pinch me. Walking to the HBLL yesterday to study as the sun was setting, everything just hit me and I felt completely at peace. I Know this is where I am supposed to be and what a comforting feeling it is. I am in nursing school, this is only what I've been dreaming of becoming since I would walk! I love my ward, I love my roommates, nursing school is more exciting and wonderful than I ever dreamed it would be. Even though I have a pretty hefty commute everyday, I have found a carpool system with two other people in the program at Nephi. And, like Brandon said in one of his last letters, what a beautiful drive to be able to drive everyday. The sunflowers are thick lining the freeway on my way down, bright and waving at the cars speeding by, and I can't help but smile thinking about him and our drives we would take down and back from Ephraim our freshman year along that road. I am discovering how truly and richly blessed I am.

Last week I was called as a home evening assitant coordinator. I am really excited about this calling. It struck me as funny today however, as the Lord knows our weaknesses. Home evening, for some reason, was something I just had a hard time attending last year. It was all too easy to label my busy schedule and work load as an excuse to stay home and study. I now am entering into nursing school, with the busiest and hardest school load yet and I am called as a HE coordinator :). As I was set apart though, there were things said that hit me like a ton of bricks. Our Heavenly Father Knows us and knows our schedules, our worries and I know that He knows that I can serve the ward and be a nursing student at the same time :).

I am in Nursing School!! I started last Wednesday and I absolutely love it. Sure it can be annoying having to watch my classes on the television as my classes are broadcasted via polycom from Ephraim and Richfield, but I am abolutely positive that Provo is the right place for me right now. There is a LOT of reading, a LOT of presentations and a LOT of fun involved in my nursing program. We all work as a team and we WILL pass boards next year :). It's going to be a fight to get all of the information into my brain before that time rolls around next year, but I am determined to make it happen. This next Tuesday, a few classmates and I will be teaching a second grade class on heart health. I have been working all weekend making posters, handouts and such to make it a fun workshop for them. I am excited to see how it will all work out.

Yeah, my bookshelf is a little saggy :)

Living in Provo, right next to BYU really does make me feel like I'm going there. That likely sounds silly, but I was born and raised a BYU fan. My roots are deep here. My mom, dad, grandparents, and many other family members have attended BYU, and I have always looked forward to the day where I would be a student there myself. I attended the BYU location for all three years I went to efy, and was just as much excited to be at BYU and to be staying in the dorms, as I was so be at efy. I was accepted to BYU my senior year, but sometimes our ideas of what's best for us is, isn't really what's best for us. I knew I needed to go to Snow, and I had the best two years I could ever hope to have. And now, finally :), I get to have the BYU experience. To me, this is nothing less of many prayers answered while growing up. I was accepted! And now, two years later, I get to be a part of a BYU ward, to be living in BYU's housing and to be where I have been dreaming of coming all my life. Consider the Lillies! The Lord is definitely mindful of us :).

I feel like I'm living a fairytale. I am grateful for the guidance that is so graciously given whenever we ask. I have a testimony of the Lord's timing, in all things. When something doesn't work the way you plan it to, and you feel like you are doing everything in your power to make it work a certain way, chances are, the Lord has something better in store for you. Because things have happened the way they have, I have met people that have changed my life, had opportunites that I Never would have had if I hadn't been where I've been for the past several years. I have been where I have needed to grow and change the most. And If I would have had my way then, I would have lost all of these incredible experiences and opportunities.

"I believe that in our individual ways, God takes us to the grove or the mountain or the temple and there shows us the wonder of what His plan is for us. We may not see it as fully as Moses or Nephi or the brother of Jared did, but we see as much as we need to see in order to know the Lord's will for us and to know that He loves us beyond mortal comprehension." --Elder Holland

Sunday, July 24, 2011

always in my heart

My sweet mother Stacey Jo Cook Madsen passed away this day, 12 years ago. She was and is nothing short of an angel, and such a driving force in every desire I have to succeed in this life. Every memory I have of her brings a smile to my face :) ; whether we were playing with homemade playdoh in bed, or singing enya together in our apartment in Seattle, or the way she would always carry my sister Lauren and I, no matter how much it hurt her. She was always smiling, always positive, always selfless, and never complained one day of her challenging life. Her kidneys failed when she was a young girl, and she never let that hold her back from accomplishing anything she desired to. After 32 years of fighting, she passed away in Big Cottonwood Canyon during a camping trip. She motivates and inspires me, and is the most perfect example to me in every way imaginable. I am so blessed to have two of the best mothers in the whole wide world :), I love them both more than I could ever describe. Be seeing you Mommy Stacey, you're always in my heart :).

Thursday, June 23, 2011

days go by


is HERE! Finally! I feel like I have had to wait so long for it to be warm! Today is a wonderful day because my sweetheart has been officially been out in the field for ONE YEAR!  I couldn't be more happy or more proud of him. He is currently serving in Santa Rita and he is district leader. Here are some pictures he's sent home so far. :)




Brandon's committment to serve the Lord for two years of his life has been nothing short of an inspiration for me. I see these pictures and read his letters and can't help but smile. :) This past year has been rough at times, but it has been so incredibly worth it. I have learned so much about myself and grown in so many different ways. Our friendship and respect for each other has continued to grow, and my love for him continues to grow daily as well. Way to go Elder Van Mondfrans, 12 more months. :)


My family and I have been enjoying the summer as well. Recently, we went to the Herriman carnival and the parade the next morning. Emma was SO excited. :)

waiting for the parade

As a family, we also have been enjoying going on hikes every weekend that we can. During the week, Dad and I go on bike rides that are always so much fun, and very challenging. Dad always knows the most beautiful places to ride to. :)


Yesterday, Tina and I went down to the Manti Pageant! It was a fun overnighter and the entire trip felt as though it were straight out of a fairytale. :) The pageant was incredible and the weather was beautiful.

this was my favorite picture i took that night
We stayed the night at her grandparents' house in Manti, just a short walk away from the temple. We stayed in the "blue" room. :) Their home is one of my favorite places on Earth. From the peaceful atmosphere to the color-themed rooms, to the fancy antique ivory combs and metal plated brushes at each vanity. The home was built more than 100 years ago and looks as though it has been perfectly preseved in time. I always feel like a princess when I stay there. :)

The next morning we went to the Manti Temple. There was magically a reservation cancellation and we were able to go in and do some family files. The weather was ablsoutely gorgeous. We sat and read for a while in the shade and then decided to go shopping in the cute little stores down Manti's main street. We found a candy shop that Tina loves and we both got a scoop of Huckleberry ice cream. :) It was the most perfect summer day.

More to come!  Talk to you soon :)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

hello big world..

I finally cracked and made a blog. For someone who's pretty kept to herself, it's odd to find that writing my thoughts down for really anyone to see is actually quite intriguing! :)

So, I'm Meagan. I recently graduated  after my second year  at Snow College and  absolutely LOVED it. I met the best people and had some of the greatest experiences that I will never forget. Little Ephraim town will forever more hold a special place in my heart :).I am an aspiring Nursing student and I'm currently in the process of applying to a few programs. I was recently accepted to Snow's nursing program, and I was just accepted to progress to the interview stage of UVU's nursing application. I am so excited to see where I end up!

If I could tell you some of the things that mean the most to me, these would be them:
I have the most amazing Family. I learn so much from each and every one of them every single day, and I love them more than I could write in words. They challenge me, they support me in my every decision, and they know exactly how to put a smile on my face when I need it most. We play, we laugh, we learn and we love. They are my best friends, my foundation, and they lift me higher and help me reach my dreams.

I have been blessed with the most incredible Friends. They know me inside and out, and often times, better than I know myself! They know who they are, and they know how dear they are to me :). I could never thank them enough for the memories, the laughs, the late nights, and all the times in between that we just share together.

There is one incredible person who I can easily say I am the very closest to, and yet he is over 5,000 miles away from me. He's on a special mission; to share the gospel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and I couldn't be more happy or more proud of him. He has stolen My Heart, he makes me want to become the best "me" that I can, and loves every part of me that I haven't quite learned to love about myself. Who could ask for more? He is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

The foundation that is my family, is also my foundation in Christ, and in His gospel; Families are Forever, and how firm a foundation it is. My family has helped me to plant my roots deep in the church and I have learned for myself that my Savior Lives. There is no greater knowledge in my opinion, and there is no greater joy than the joy that His love, and our Father in Heaven's love does bring. I have no doubt that we all have the help, the guidance, and the tools we need to make it Home; all we need is to simply ask and trust. I know His plan for me is better than any plan I could ever dream up for myself, and I am learning to put it all in His hands :).

These bolded words are a few that define me; in a nutshell at least :). Welcome to my life, it's nice to meet you :).